Presidenta: Stella Accorinti
Recognized by the Institute for the Advancement of Philosofy for Children (IAPC), New Jersey (EE.UU.).



Philosophy for Children is an educational proposal that makes possible children and teenagers develop their multidimensional thinking, therefore their reasoning abilities, their critical thinking, their creative thinking and their caring thinking. It’s a systematic and progressive program especially designed to be worked with children from 4 till 18 years old in research communities. Considering the children’s interest and the topics that most instigates them, and carried out with methodological work, carefully planned and proved, that recovers their curiosity and wonder, the goal is to develop and stimulate the high order thinking in the community of inquiry. This program takes place in communities where its members work hard in order to be capable of understanding different points of view besides the intent of finding out the meaning of the world and of the society which they live in.

   The US philosopher Mathew Lipman, created Philosophy for Children in 1969, and nowadays more than 50 countries from all continents has applied its program. The goal has nothing to do with trying to convert these children and teenagers into professional philosophers, but instead, its aim is to develop and preserve their critical, creative and caring thinking and attitude. The program is based on:
  • A bunch of philosophical texts, written by philosophers that works at Philosophy for Children, both in theory as well as practice. These reading texts represents the basis on which the philosophical discussion is built. The texts were thought and written in order to achieve the discussion, therefore, they are written with a didactic intention (that’s why we just don’t use any kind of text from the corpus of the literature, and that’s why we refuse to call them "tales" or "novels". Although we avoid to use any kind of texts, we obviously use some carefully as an extra material for some discussion that are already taking place, and that was previously instigated by those philosophical texts mentioned before. In the same way, we sometimes use pictures, literature texts, films or any-other source we think is well suited).
  • Manuals for teachers where they may find various discussion plans and exercises that facilitates the achievement of the proposed goal. Besides being a possible guide book with some suggestion, it was also written and planned to be a help for the teachers any time they need. The writing of these books presumes that we find ourselves in the presence of a program that’s not only philosophical but as well educational, which demands an ethical commitment of giving continuity to the teacher’s formation and total chances, by the teachers and schools, to put into effect the program.
    Matthew Limpan
  • A formation program for teachers, that will allow them to extract all the possibilities from the texts, assuring them that the task that's being performed is the development of the complex thought and the philosophical discussion and not something "similar" (scientific and religious discussion, or group therapy).
  • Pedagogic methodology that tends to transform the class into an community of inquiry.

  • Description of the Program

         The philosophical issues are presented in a daily language. The program has been structured in different levels, that corresponds to different ages and courses. It presents a sequential order, in such a way that the same plot is restudied in a deeper way in a higher level, and at the same time new subjects are introduced.

         According to the possibilities, and the children’s interests and necessities, it’s possible to organise the following schedule, that is supposed to be worked in a spiral manner and which plots should be recaptured each time more deeply.

       Each unity of the program – texts for the students and the extra material for the teachers is a thematic group that gradually introduces to the class group the personal and dialogic thought. Even though the units present a graduation in the questions difficulties that are presented, each one is independent from the other and can be administrated during one or two years to the same class group.

       The main objective of each book in the program is to supply the readers with elements capable of making them aware of their own thoughts and the way in which one’s thoughts may work in their lives. The book is, therefore, the starting point for the philosophical discussion.

       On the following page there is a Philosophy for Children program schedule, with the details about the texts, teacher’s manual, area belonging to and a frame with the application’s school’s levels.


       Aproach to the philosophical discussion instruments. In Introducción a Filosofía para Niños. Before working with the texts.
    Wondering at my experience
    Introduction- Language Philosophy
    Initial- 1st year
    5 – 6
    4 - 6
    Discovering the world
    Language Philosophy
    2do. - 3er. años EGB
    7 – 8
    6 - 8
    Thinking, stories,1
    Ethic and Social Investigation
    Ethic and Social Science
    4 th.-5 th year
    9 - 10
    9 - 11
    Ethic Investigation
    Logic and Ethic
    6 th.-7 th year
    11 - 12
    11 - 13
    Writing: how and why
    Logic and Aesthetic
    8 th.-9 th year
    12 –14
    11 –15
    Golden city
    Going towards my assumption
    Metaphysic and Gnoseologic
    High school
    15 - 18
    15 - 18

    Community of Inquiry

       As the aim of Philosophy for Children is to prompt a philosophical behaviour and the children have a remarkable tendency to the verbal expression, the most appropriate pedagogic methodology is the philosophical discussion. Starting from various sources the dialogue is instigated from the basic level, once it's an appropriate environment for the children to express mutually their ideas, learning to listen to their partners' response, they over come the feeling that what they have to say is absurd or out of place, confirming it with the classmates, in such a way that the experience from others is a teaching.

        Transforming the class into an community of inquiry is considered to be essential in order to stimulate the kids on thinking and behaving in a higher level than the one they would have performed alone: a genuine community of inquiry is based on the mutual respect and on the member's volunteer commitment to search for something in common. For "inquiring" we understand the constant in the self correction exploration of plots that at the same time are realised as something important and problematic. From this theoretic perspective, to learn something is to learn it again with the same discovery spirit that was once experienced when it was discovered, or with the same spirit of invention that was predominant when it was invented.

        By the philosophical discussion in the centre of the community of inquiry, the children may achieve their own point of view and their own conclusions. Philosophy insists on the strict logic, but only as a mean to produce a more effective thinking, and not in the sense of achieving a total concordance among all the ideas. The program emphasis the discussion process and not the achievement of a particular conclusion (the process is worth, not the product). Even though no philosophical subjects are taught, the teacher must use the typical philosophical way of thinking and questioning. Gradually, the students begin to find out that a philosophical discussion presents a different pattern from any other discussion, they start to realise that they can share ideas, experience and perspectives among each other. They start to appreciate other's point of view and realise the importance to give reasons that support their opinion. It makes sense, then, the objectivity, and the necessity of examining carefully the problems instead of getting satisfied with only expressing their ideas in a raw and superficial way, or making a monologue pretending to be a dialogue. It makes sense the philosophical discussion in an community of inquiry.

        The children get wondered and ask themselves not only about them, but also about the world and the society in which they live in, and they have the necessity to find a meaningful reference frame to the puzzling realities. They try to clarify the environment by a scientific explanation, through some kind of history capable of supplying a useful interpretation in the symbolic ambit or formulating the matter philosophically in a questioning manner. Some of the questions they usually ask are; "What is the mind?", "What is reality?" , "What are the things?", "What is goodness?", What is fairness?", based on what we know, "what can we find out?", and they can be considered philosophical questions (once the questions or the concepts aren't philosophicals by itself, but in the meaning net that the research community assigns).

       Philosophy for Children proposes to promote a distinct pedagogic modality since the philosophy, in which the informative and the formative make part of the same unity. The aims do not end with the development of cognitive abilities (neither is tried to develop in steps the cognitive ability in order to accomplish next the multidimensional thinking. As the multidimensional thinking is developed the cognitive abilities are achieved) otherwise is orientated to form reasonable people, in which involves a sociability instance in the reasoning .Besides the development of cognitive abilities ( abilities in reasoning, in inquiring , in conceptual analysis, in interpretation) and the work with philosophical concepts ("truth", "justice", "beauty", "goodness", "language", "liberty", "identity"), the program is worried about behaviours and habits such as; developing the ability of self-correction, learning how to listen to other people, paying attention and trying hard in order to understand, asking for and giving reasons, among others. Obviously the formative phase overtakes the philosophical domain as these abilities also belong to other areas of the knowledge. Nevertheless, these habits and behaviours are crucial for the existence of a democratic society.

        It's important to teach the children how to think for themselves, so that they are capable of renovating creatively and carefully the society in which they live in, and at the same time be able to grow up in a critical, careful and creative way. By saying that education must allow the students to develop the instruments they need in order to evaluate carefully, creatively and critically the social expectations, it means that education must tend to develop human beings capable of evaluating the world and oneself, as well as expressing fluently and creatively besides caring for others.
    On the following some of the specific aims of Philosophy for Children:

       To achieve the development and co-ordination of these thinking abilities it's required a gradual and systematic process, nevertheless, it's needed a cognitive aptitude for implementing those, further than the abilities themselves. This aptitude is consisted of co-operation, trust, self-appreciation, attention, respect for people, among others. Philosophy for Children believes these attitudes are stimulated when the class is transformed into a dialogic seminar committed to inquiry. It's assumed that dialogue produces cogitation; people who participate in a dialogue have to cogitate, to concentrate in what is being said, to evaluate different alternatives, have to pay careful attention to the definitions and significance, to recognize different options that haven't been aware of, and in general, have to perform a great number of mental activities. Participants reproduce in their own thinking process the structure and the dialogue progress taken place in class. A thesis based on the social and cognitive psychology, that claims thinking is the interiorization of the dialogue. "Dialogue" meaning not just any kind of conversation, but it's referred to the dialogue in which aims an elaboration of the thinking from the contribution of others. For that reason, the community of inquiry is the place where the group's self-appreciation and the process will be cared, in which the aptitude is meant to appreciate and criticise one's reasoning as well as the mate's. It will be trusted that the group's procedures are reliable as they are self-corrected. When this becomes habitual, a following support is provided to the social and individual forming character.



         Philosophy for Children is an alive organism. Therefore, it's creator, Dr. Mathew Lipman, up-holds and stimulates each country or region to develop it's own curriculum, according to the children's interest and necessity, and the research and writing capacity of each Philosophy for Children Centre. Dr. Lipman wrote his own curriculum, between 1969 and 1980, which titles are; Elfie (6 to 7 years old), Kio and Gus (8-9 years old), Pixie (9-10 years old), Harry Stottlemeier's Discovery (11-12 years old), Lisa (11-12 years old), Suki (12- 14 years old) and Mark (15-18 years old). These texts, with their corresponding support manuals, constitute the traditional program. Some of the texts haven't been used lately in some parts of the world. More than twenty years has passed since they were written, therefore some of them don't instigate the students from the XXI century any more. Others experts from the program with their critical, creative and caring effort are elaborating, writing, and publishing new texts for the program (as it happens in Argentina), that respects, amplifies, and turns into more complex the initial idea. It continues to be caring, creative and critical, and from the contribution of the philosophy introduced in education since early ages, goes on thinking about the teachers, the students and in a better world for everyone.


       Web site created on December 1996. Last update on July 2000.